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Fit Kids, Fit You

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In today’s digital world children have become prey to technology and a lot of parents can’t help but let them sink their eyes into the phones and ipads. Children’s Day is around the corner and we would like to share some tips on how you can instill a love for fitness among your children.

Introduce them to New Sports

A lot of children these days are not much active in sports, therefore it is crucial to introduce them to sports which can help them in better physical and mental growth, personality development along with serving as a detox from the hectic study schedule. 

Getting them off the couch

Getting your kids off the couch has become another challenge today. Plan your day in such a way that everyday you can spend some time with your children along with doing a fun physical activity, hence avoiding sedentary activities like mobile games and play stations.  

60 Minutes a Day

Parents should make sure that their children get to involve in any kind of physical activity for at least 60 minutes a day as it will gradually become a habit and a part of everyday life. Also, it reduces the rate of obesity. 

Play-based Activity

Play-based physical activities or games are not only fun but require a high degree of sensory input (sight, sound, touch, etc.) which in turn helps develop a broad range of skills that make physical activity more enjoyable later in life. For eg. Hide and Seek.

Aerobic, Muscle Strengthening and Weight-bearing

Parents should make sure to consider at least 3 days a week their kids should vigorously do aerobic exercises (like fast-paced dancing, swimming, skateboarding), muscle strengthening exercises (like gymnastics, rock or tree climbing, tug-of-war) and weight-bearing exercises (like jumping and skipping). These exercises are fun, entertaining and ensure bone development, muscle flexibility, etc.

So are you ready to bring this change in your kid’s lifestyle? Tell us in the comment section. 

~ Nupur Rathore



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